What is Team Time?

Today, I let the entire iZiggy Promotions team have a day to themselves. One person is on a cruise, another person is in Los Angeles, another person took their child to an amusement park and two others needed some rest; me on the other hand, I am steadily working at home from my bed, but I know that over the next few months we may not be able to get these moments...THIS IS OUR BUSY SEASON! I am telling you all this because you will have a busy season as well. Don't think they aren't coming, because they are. For my team, our jobs are always in demand, but there are times that business really picks up and we are SUPER BUSY (THIS SEASON RIGHT HERE). Do I need my team today....YES!!!! But I know that in the next few days we will be pulling some long days and even longer nights. Now is the time for you to be planning for those seasons. We know that busy season's are Mother's Day, Father's Day, 4th of July, No Tax Day, Back to School, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Christmas, New Year's and the list goes on and on, so now is the time for you to prepare. Think of your team during your preparation and see when you will be able to give them a wholesome break (WHEN YOU WILL NOT HAVE TO CALL ON THEM FOR ANYTHING!!!). I know you are probably thinking..."I don't have a team!" Yes, you do! Anyone that is there for you when you call on them, is a part of your team. It could be your family, best friend, neighbor, anyone that you rely on to help you get the job done. That is your team. Planning is everything when you run a business, but planning for your team makes a bigger difference. You want them to know that they are appreciated and you don't want to burn them out. This is one of the biggest bonuses that you will ever be able to give them. Money is good, but letting them be able to live is even greater!!! - xoxoxo - Lala